Friday, December 30, 2011

The party's almost over...

It's that time again. 2011 is coming to a close and I don't mind that at all! We've accomplished a lot, but it was not without struggle. No, no. I'll try to stay positive here. Learning opportunities. Lots of learning opportunities and knowledge was gained from those opportunities. Some of that knowledge still hangs in the air with it's purpose yet to be revealed. That will come in time. Patience has been in short supply and every once in awhile a cry of despair from losing patience. Sometimes it was more like a primal scream!

My business opened in July of this year and it is thriving! There are so many positives to owning a business, but you have to be very careful not to let IT own YOU. Sometimes it's so hard to say no. I have learned my limitations the hard way. In fact, I'm still learning. It's usually not until I wake up on a Monday morning and see that I have 8 or 9 clients every day that week with a couple of days that I'm working until 7:00 pm. I usually smack myself in the forehead and promise to not do that again. At least for a month. Then I have to run my cycle. Know thyself and be okay with who and where you are. All we can do is our best and move on.

I try to plan out the next year, but I can't see past the present moment anymore. Someone asked me, "So what do you see for Forever In Training in 2012?". I didn't really know how to answer. I haven't really thought about it. Oh, I have some things that I would like to accomplish. Just trying to figure out the path to take to get there is the hard part and I can't separate the two. I feel paralyzed by those kinds of questions. Almost like a fear comes over me and I ask myself, "What if I never get this figured out? Will I look like a fake? Am I a fake?". I sure hope not. You just have to never be afraid to say the phrase, "I don't know". We are human and there is no possible way of knowing all there is to know about what you do in your life. I guess if I got it figured out I would get bored and go learn something else.

So here I am, unprepared for 2012 and it's okay. I'm just going to try and enjoy my life a little more in the upcoming year and be a kinder more giving person. I hear that heals a wounded heart. I think we could all use a little healing...

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