Sunday, June 29, 2008
Just a quickie
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Take it easy.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Whole lotta nothin'
This past weekend was unstructered. I'm not productive if I don't have a plan. I did manage to get in an 8 mile run and a 25 mile ride (the "Triple Bypass"). We also went to see a movie. Chris started his diet on Friday and has not cheated. However, he did say that he wanted to bury his face in my bag of popcorn at the movie. I, in respect, wanted to hook myself up to an IV with his diet soda. People look at us really weird when they see me sniffing his drink and see him sniffing what's on my plate. But hey, it works for us!
This week has gone by really fast and I barely got any training for myself in. Amy, who owns the Wellness Studio, has been out of town and I am subbing with some of her clients. I've also been pretty low energy this week, so I just had to stop being frustrated that I haven't worked out. Well, I pretty much work out everyday with clients, but unfortunately I don't feel like I've worked out. Not the way I need or want to. I'm probably feeling the effects of Kansas and I needed some downtime anyway. I'm just trying not to beat myself up over it. Don't want to over train; I wouldn't be able to do anything for awhile. I need to just be in chill mode with my friend Sarah. Just need to go with the flow...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Back to life...
The next venture is to attempt the 1/2 Ironman in Arkadelphia. I promised myself and Chris that I would do that one if I didn't finish or get to finish the one in Kansas. So training starts for that next week. I feel like I know what I need to do to be ready for it this time. But different course + different weather conditions = huge difference. I've already ridden the bike course for it. All chip and seal and pot holes. Quite frankly, it scares the hell outta me, but I'm going to do it and I'm going to finish!
So here we are, back to life in real time. How fortunate I am that it's a good life! I have a wonderful husband, great family and circle of friends, precious little furballs, I'm healthy, want for nothing and I love what I do for a living...Life Is Good!
Monday, June 16, 2008
What a time we had!
I may not get to put that 70.3 sticker on my back windshield right now, but I hope to by the end of the year. I will however wear the finisher's shirt and my hat I bought.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!